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blocked drain

5 Ways to Prevent Blocked Drains in Your Home

It’s one of the most common plumbing problems that people face – a blocked drain. It doesn’t matter which sink it affects – the kitchen, bathroom or laundry – blocked drains are an inconvenient hassle that can lead to a range of problems.

affectionate and loving mixed-race family sitting

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Ducted Air Conditioning

Ducted air conditioning is an advanced form of climate control that provides comprehensive heating and cooling solutions for your entire home.

Outdoor unit of an evaporative air conditioning system installed on the roof of a house.

6 Reasons To Choose Evaporative Air Conditioning

If you're looking for an energy efficient and cost effective cooling solution for your home, consider an evaporative air conditioning system.

4 Smoke Alarm Solutions for Your Home

Most people know – or should know – that smoke alarms are required by law to be installed in every home and business. But what are the right smoke alarm solutions for your home?

man inspecting hose near air conditioning

How You Know You Need an Aircon Service

Do you remember the last time you had an aircon service? If you don’t, then it’s probably been too long. Sure, your air conditioner might still be up to the task of providing optimal year-round heating and cooling.

How Important is Surge Protection to Your Home?

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s worth having surge protection in your home, the only response is: Yes, it is.

Read This Before Trying to Install Your Own Ceiling Fan

A ceiling fan is a handy home appliance that does an important job in summer and winter. But should you attempt to install your own ceiling fan?

Aerial shot of a number of house roofs in a typical suburban neighbourhood.

5 Points to Consider When Reroofing Your Home

Reroofing your house can be a big process, but in some cases can be essential to maintaining the the protection of your home. Here are five points to consider when you need to reroof your home.

Is Ducted Air Conditioning the Right Choice?

There are many advantages to a ducted air conditioning system. It’s a set-and-forget system that cools or heats the entire house – at least the parts you choose – and ensures the ultimate in climate comfort.

Situations When You Need a Gas Fitter

Given that gas appliances feature heavily in most Australian households, whether it’s for heating, cooking or for hot water, the role of a gas fitter is vital for many reasons.

4 Ways to Prevent Rainhead Overflow

Anyone who has experienced overflowing gutters and downpipes will appreciate the importance of a functioning rainhead. But when your rainhead malfunctions it can result in an unwanted waterfall down the side of your home or worse.

6 Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repairs

The last thing you need is your air conditioner breaking down when the extreme weather arrives. That’s why it’s always wise to check if you need air conditioning repairs while the temperature is still mild.